
2:22 AM

That's what time it is.
I read 4 of my last entries...watching the gaps betwixt and between.
I really do love myself and my friends.
Growing up is a gradual, but a necessary adaptation.
I'm smiling inside regardless of how often I see my friends, I know I have them,
and they, me.
I'm smiling outside regardless of whether I mesh into what society or my
biological family or socio-stereotypes tell me. I love being black, being intelligent,
building independence, strength, peace of mind, education, and real love all around me.

I'm single, and only giving myself to someone who wants to give me as much as
I want to give them--which is a lot. I am in pursuit of going to Italy, keeping my grades above 3.0 (lmfao never thought I'd say that), a bike, financial stability, and healthy mental physical and spiritual progression.
I've met the right people to put on the road to my dreams. Just keep pushing.
Forever loving Jah, Lord, Allah, Yahweh, I am--I always reflect on the grandeur
that is life and know someone much greater is looking out for all of us.

Don't care if I sound crazy. :)

Je t'aime. Be well. Stay beautiful. Peace be upon us.

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