
The solidarity of Reality: Part I ]]

Listening to The Red Hot Chili Peppers at 12:32 AM. I told you I don't have time for this thing.
My arms and shoulders are screaming bedtime, but i just want to vent. Is that okay? Seems the rest of my body is alright with it.

As I grow in love and understanding and peace of mind, I realize just how much I love and want to make myself available to people, and I understand at the same time they must be open to assistance. What I see in many of my older friendships and even a fault of mine is stubbornness. I also see pride, and selfishness, as love in many of us often cools off.
I am very aware of reality, mines and theirs. They sometimes must not think I pay them attention, but I always am. It's what I think I will do until I stop loving them. Which I have a tendency never to do. Alas, I can relate to parents observing their wonderful little balls of joy grow and transform, sometimes distorting the very things that make them humane, helplessly. We are all given free will and many of us do not wish to have disciplines in our lives, so we spend our time trying to figure out where we fell short, when in fact the answer lies right in our arrogance or inability to be corrected, instructed, and encouraged.
I would elaborate, but one step at a time sounds good to me.

On a lighter note, I will be working outdoors with children and adults doing all sorts of cool environmental things. If you are ever interested in joining a hike or trail or canoe or whatever and want to go with me, hollerrr.

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