
Reflections of June

I sit in my quaint bedroom, fuzzy locks sprawled all over my head, Felix in front of me staring out at this golden afternoon, licking himself, I look back at the past. Not for answers. Just understanding. How do we get so caught up as individuals in the little things? You know how many of us fail to see the bigger picture beyond just what benefits us? For some it's hard to think that we are inadequate and that we must constantly seek improvement, and for others, we strive after the wind, for things we just can't touch. Today, balance is difficult in a world with limitation and structure, without silicone and technology. Quiet and reading and fresh air is a rare appreciation, and religious discovery is just north of a flicker; on average.
Au contraire, I find great pleasure in spiritual understanding, and often distance myself from material matters. I don't want to move in circles, and I know my presence is greater than the clothes I wear, how great I can do a math problem, how illustrious my piano playing is, how mind blowing my sex is, and how many people I can please. Is it unfathomable to consider that the things we can't hold in our hand could be of any real value these days? How about the love you feel for someone close to you? A lover, a mother/father to his/her child, an animal friend. How about the true happiness we experience when we accomplish something truly important? Our first independent adventure from our parents. Making your own meal. Teaching someone a new word or dance move or anything they don't know. The list goes on. I know we all have our own struggles and stories, but ultimately, we must understand that we are more than the tangible realm of life. Our emotions and needs rise much higher than what the material can bring. The more you seek self understanding, the better off you will be.

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