This link was posted on facebook by one of my old colleagues/friends.
It is slightly beneficial and interesting in the sense of why the phrase, "spiritual, but not religious," exists. My immediate main qualms with that statement are, it's a cop out phrase, in-distinctive, and honestly sends your spirituality into a toss up. Imagine if your physical life was just a toss up. Most of us want money right? So we can eat, clothe, and entertain ourselves, right? So in life we strategically seek to work at places that make us happy and provide us with that tangible sustenance. Some of us want more than others, so some of us work harder. Spiritually, we become
lost if we do not seek an intentional direction (wealth of spiritual knowledge). Imagine how little we store "spiritually" if we do not seek this intangible form of food and clothing. Spiritually, many of us starve, and seek a less organized or unfamiliar religious perspective in life. The question is, are you doing yourself a favor, or harming yourself by ignoring/confusing your spirit? You need spiritual sustenance, and if you don't get it, you will attempt to fill the void with materialistic things. People, sex, items, activities, and at the end of it all, you will feel this
hole. It may become less and less evident to you, until your life takes a turn for the worse, that is, if you ever notice this turn. Part of that turn is, one day, we will all die. It is the price of sin. (Rom 6:23--"23 For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life..." )The real question is, do you care about a better life than the one we live in? Do you think it is possible to have a better life? One even more amazing than the rich and famous? Do you care about how spiritually connected we all are, and could potentially be, if we weren't all so distant, hiding from our truths, and confused? Do you see the false religions, and does that make you feel like religion is a waste of time? If your answer is yes (which in many cases I imagine it is) I suggest you fervently, adamantly pray for clarity. Earnestly seeking truth ( and God), instead of blindly running through life, hoping to find
the real life. The life your heart runs to, but constantly can't seem to catch. You want peace, and unfortunately, only an organized search for truth (perhaps a more religious one), will answer your urgent internal question. If that doesn't make sense, what I found was, search for God, and what He wants, not religion. The right religious practice will find you.