
Le Jour de l'An

It's funny how at the start of Jan 1 I'm back to John Mayer again. I'm playing "Split Screen Sadness" as a following from "Clarity". Two tracks that I love. I have to be up at 6:30 AM to take a shower and go to my assembly. I spent my night cooking, folding clothes, and well...enjoying my living space. Couldn't really have asked for more. But it would've been nice to have drank the sparkling apple cider in the fridge...
After these past few busy days, I wasn't much in the mood. So instead I prepared new dishes. One the millet autumn recipe I posted a while back (finally), and super legit vegan collard greens, and my lunch for tomorrow, and my breakfast. Took me a couple hours between prep and folding and all.
Note to self: If I ever marry it must be to a chef and ahandyman. That's hot. Teach me the tricks of the trade please. I cannot fix dismantled household items very well. :( Should go to handypeople school. Anyways I'm ranting.
Orange oil is in my burner and John Mayer is still playing. His beautiful voice and acoustic guitar still make me swoon. I think I always will.
Well, enjoy your night. :) Thought for the "new year": Time is manmade. It is not truly as we experience it. It is infinite, and translucent. It slips through our fingers like the air we breathe. Yet, it continually exists, with or without us.

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