
New Found Love.

That's how the inside of my head is right now.
This meeting seems so fated. My heart is racing. Far more than just physical attraction.
But relinquishing control in my life has allowed me to see just what God has in store for my life.

Don't wanna get overly religious or offend anyone, but just wish we all would pay more attention.
Maybe we can't control the aspects of our lives that we love most.
But maybe that's why we love them. Because we can't make them ourselves. I'm so grateful, so humbled, so in awe that I don't even want to say much more about it.

And also....I keep playing "The Little Things" over and over. Still enjoying it. You can always find a song to suit your circumstances.

School is hardcore. Point blank. Speech is attempting to seriously kick my ass.

Enough said for now.
Oh and the funeral is tommorow. We haven't left yet and we're supposed to be beating the storm.

1 comment:

dean. said...

lmao i say the same thing about my classes; tryna gain on you & kick that ass.

the captcha code down there is hurting my feelings. it's like lesbianfag. that what it looks like.

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