
Seek altruism.

Just ran finally. It's pretty amusing to see Baltimoreans in their cars baffled to see a pretty brown girl in work out clothes at 7, running into dusk. When I run I feel alive. My legs could go on for miles. If I just stay focused the options are endless.
I've been thinking about where I'm headed, and I realize it's like driving at night in pitch black with only your high beams to lead the way. Follow the road signs and your intuition you'll get there.
I have to make lists to get things accomplished.
I have to pray. I have to work and eat yummy things. I have to travel.
I have to jump at the chance to make things better.
I have to have fun.
But only if I'm focused do any of these things feel worth
the time. :) I have to not take things so personal.
We all have our own agenda.

Sometimes a small part of me misses being close to someone.
But 80 percent of the time I am in absolute bliss. No one in
my grill. And most of the time that closeness pales in comparison
to the kind I aspire to have. Who knows.
I've been around the block and back again.
The grass only appears greener. It is actually
only miracle grow. Where I stand organically is just fine with me.

Random when I was searching for a picture found this:
How YOU Can Become a Runner

1. Decide that you want to try jogging. Don’t over think it. You can always go back to walking tomorrow if you don’t like it.

2. Focus on the reasons why you want to become a runner or jogger. Some good reasons: improve your cholesterol, improve your body shape, lose weight, feel better, gain more energy for daily life, etc. Whatever your motivations are, write them down and post them where you will see them every day. This will be very helpful on the days that you don’t feel like running.

3. Fail-Proof it. Create a time in your schedule when you’ll be sure to have the ability to do this. For me it means mornings. If I wait until later in the day, then my energy is lower not to mention all the other activities competing for my attention.

The internet really does have everything! :D <3

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