
Thoughts to share, as usual. I meant to post our actual discussion.

My body was shaking. I have a paper to write. Tonight I had to say it to him, and I saved it to post, because I couldn't believe I wrote that. I know that many people don't care what happens to this world, or how anything is run. I'm not one to consider myself super religious, just very informed. I'm not one that runs around screaming, "God is beautiful," at the top of my lungs. I'm just the one that wants to know something about this great spirit that exists and why things are the way they are at present. It's interesting, the reasons people concoct and find to believe in what they believe. You cannot fault them. You can only hope that someday they open their eyes and seek a deeper understanding, rather than their own opinions. The mainstream media does not want religion to exist, and if it does exist, they want it to be hypocritical. They want it to cause wars. And this is all people see today. This is very unfortunate.


Yeo Valley is Getting Mad Props from Lys Kiss.

This is what we live for. Sustain. Maintain. Change the game. I love the United Kingdom. They ain't scurred to get a lil hood. Mmmhmm. It's expensive though. O Lord, I wish Yeo valley was here.


Quick sneak post

On the tip of the tongue thoughts are melded;
Into out realm of existence they step.
Into the endless chambers of the echoing universe they chime.
<(((Sound wave)))((( to whisper)))((( to ripple)))((( to brain wave)))((( to speech)))((( to action))) (((to reaction)))>.
It's nice to know how you feel, but don't you think you should be more careful about what passes through your lips?
In this counterculture of the individual mind, so many are lonely. So many are afraid.
So many are too proud to say, your words hurt me. So many lock themselves in a cubbyhole.
So many don't know where to start, and where to finish.
When they purse their lips, lubricated, prepared to utter the unthinkable, the unmentionable, the hurtful, they don't realize the boomerang effect they have undoubtedly unlocked. It is the silencing of ourselves to think before we react that emulates strength, character, and most importantly, love.

Thank Jah for the wisdom that exists here.
Enjoy the sunlight today. We never know when our time will come to pass.


Oolong Tea Marinade in My Life.

I must make this! AHHH!

WHAT'S UP with the pictures on blogger today? broken?


Oolong Tea Marinade for Fish

Mix in a small sauce pan:

2 cups Oolong Tea (Brew it right in the sauce pan. Use two tea bags and remove them before you add the rest of the ingredients.)

2/3 cup reduced sodium Tamari Soy Sauce.

1/2 cup light brown sugar. You can use less, but the marinade won't stick as well. You can use more and it'll stick better, but be less healthy. It's a tough call. Sugar isn't healthy anyway, so you might as well rock out, just this once. Maybe use more if it's a dinner party, less if you're just hanging with the family.

A small spoonful each of minced garlic and fresh ginger.

Bring the mixture to a boil, lower the heat and let it simmer for a few minutes. You want to make sure the sugar is dissolved and let it reduce a little bit to make the flavor stronger. Take it off the heat entirely and let it cool. When it's cool, strain the ginger and garlic out. Cheese cloth works well for straining.

Use just enough marinade for your fish (we had Salmon the other night and it was great, but any fish will do!) To reduce the amount of marinade you need, use a zip-loc bag. If you squeeze the air out before sealing, you'll only need a small amount of marinade to surround the fish. If you marinate in a bowl, you have to use a lot to cover the fish.

Freeze the leftover marinade to use another day. You could even double (or triple! or quadruple! or hex...never mind) the recipe and freeze the leftover in smaller portions.

Let the fish marinate all day. I broiled the salmon for about ten minutes, which was good, because we like it on the rare side. As a side, I wilted some fresh spinach in the marinade that I poured off the cooked fish. The whole family gave it a thumbs up.


It's High Time.

Each of us little birds has to fly from the nest some day.
We are all born, wobbly legged, blurry eyed, confused, and helpless.
But guess what?
We don't stay that way.
I see clearer than I've ever seen.
Little bird, you have to cultivate better sight and stronger legs.
It comes with practice (trust me), it comes with patience, it comes with perseverance.
Little bird, you're getting too big for this nest.
Face your fears. Hug yourself close. Fly, fly as high as your wings can take you.
Seek the sky, touching the clouds. Don't look down just yet.
Think about making it. Manifest your dreams.
There's nothing behind you but a nest that you can no longer fit.
You can be whomever now little bird, eagle, ostrich, dove, chicken, your choice.
But you know the gift you can harvest inside.
You are ripe. You can bear good fruits.
And somewhere in those cloudy skies there is a sun, and that's where you'll find
your best self. And hopefully you'll find me too, flying just like you.


Intraveneous Methodology

I remember the day he peered into my soul,
I didn't think it mattered, we were young and often out of control.
I led him into my favorite hiding places and shared all of my favorite memories.
He came up for air, but still sought more and more until one day it seemed the bottomless soul didn't exist anymore. He claimed to know all of my fears and all of my idiosyncrasies, but the truth was he was just beginning to peel away the layers that I so long hid beneath.
As time raced forward, our love for each other was apparent---but he was never meant to be mines, nor I his. This realization dug a deep hole into both our hearts. This emptiness kept us linked in very subtle ways, like the way his cheshire smile grew on me, or my primitive cooking methods. We reminded each other of our reflections, until one day I grew to need more, from him and from myself. As we found ourselves we realized that our relationship needed change (growth) and that small hole suddenly forged a rut between our hearts. Now his kisses felt like a chore. Now my visits felt like routine. Now that we realized that we weren't quite living in the same world, we let go of each other's hand, and hoped to find someone else's. But we soon found out that sometimes it's best to just enjoy the God given journey of life on our own, no matter if it is or isn't spent with someone clinging to your hip, you still are not alone.
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