
It's High Time.

Each of us little birds has to fly from the nest some day.
We are all born, wobbly legged, blurry eyed, confused, and helpless.
But guess what?
We don't stay that way.
I see clearer than I've ever seen.
Little bird, you have to cultivate better sight and stronger legs.
It comes with practice (trust me), it comes with patience, it comes with perseverance.
Little bird, you're getting too big for this nest.
Face your fears. Hug yourself close. Fly, fly as high as your wings can take you.
Seek the sky, touching the clouds. Don't look down just yet.
Think about making it. Manifest your dreams.
There's nothing behind you but a nest that you can no longer fit.
You can be whomever now little bird, eagle, ostrich, dove, chicken, your choice.
But you know the gift you can harvest inside.
You are ripe. You can bear good fruits.
And somewhere in those cloudy skies there is a sun, and that's where you'll find
your best self. And hopefully you'll find me too, flying just like you.

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