
Quick sneak post

On the tip of the tongue thoughts are melded;
Into out realm of existence they step.
Into the endless chambers of the echoing universe they chime.
<(((Sound wave)))((( to whisper)))((( to ripple)))((( to brain wave)))((( to speech)))((( to action))) (((to reaction)))>.
It's nice to know how you feel, but don't you think you should be more careful about what passes through your lips?
In this counterculture of the individual mind, so many are lonely. So many are afraid.
So many are too proud to say, your words hurt me. So many lock themselves in a cubbyhole.
So many don't know where to start, and where to finish.
When they purse their lips, lubricated, prepared to utter the unthinkable, the unmentionable, the hurtful, they don't realize the boomerang effect they have undoubtedly unlocked. It is the silencing of ourselves to think before we react that emulates strength, character, and most importantly, love.

Thank Jah for the wisdom that exists here.
Enjoy the sunlight today. We never know when our time will come to pass.

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