
Intraveneous Methodology

I remember the day he peered into my soul,
I didn't think it mattered, we were young and often out of control.
I led him into my favorite hiding places and shared all of my favorite memories.
He came up for air, but still sought more and more until one day it seemed the bottomless soul didn't exist anymore. He claimed to know all of my fears and all of my idiosyncrasies, but the truth was he was just beginning to peel away the layers that I so long hid beneath.
As time raced forward, our love for each other was apparent---but he was never meant to be mines, nor I his. This realization dug a deep hole into both our hearts. This emptiness kept us linked in very subtle ways, like the way his cheshire smile grew on me, or my primitive cooking methods. We reminded each other of our reflections, until one day I grew to need more, from him and from myself. As we found ourselves we realized that our relationship needed change (growth) and that small hole suddenly forged a rut between our hearts. Now his kisses felt like a chore. Now my visits felt like routine. Now that we realized that we weren't quite living in the same world, we let go of each other's hand, and hoped to find someone else's. But we soon found out that sometimes it's best to just enjoy the God given journey of life on our own, no matter if it is or isn't spent with someone clinging to your hip, you still are not alone.


Panda said...

As i began to read your entry my dad walked in and decided to join me. i had a small heads up as to where this was going. my dad was very impressed by ur words, he said it was very deep and that he remember a time when he could relate. ^^ after that we talked about what was going on in my head. i had no intentions of sharing my blog to him tho. sooo yeah.. thanks

Elle K. said...

:) so nice to hear. cant wait to talk to you.

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