
Rant before sleep

Un. deux. trois. quatre. cing. six. sept. huit. neuf. dix. onze. douze. treize. quatorze. quinze. seize. dix-sept. dix-huit. dix-neuf. vingt. (7,305 jours)

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Thank the Lord Myspace still has music. Cause nowhere else does.
I needed my cottonbelly mix to Fastlane asap.

So this year is proving to be one of the most transformative in my life to date. I have yet to expire; I guess I'd better make the most of this. And on the rise is my spirituality, my career. It's all very individual. I have to engage to remember that I am alive. I can't knock on the screen of my computer and whoever I want will pop out. I have to go get whatever I want. And sometimes social life as of late is proving to be more challenging.

People get older. People get stubborn. People get pregnant. People die. I just pray a lot, and occasionally have self pep talks. Lol. I know you might think that is weird, but I pray my audience consists mainly of people that understand me. If you do, you understand that is normal. Only child syndrome. If I waited to tell someone I would die first.

Anyway, sometimes when I watch the way they interact I just think she is trying to hard.
I wish women could all just each have their own man so I wouldn't have to feel like they think I'm trying to steal them. *yawns* I just like guy conversation sometimes. Calm down. Nobody was asking for a relationship.

Well, I'm only 20 now. Lol. We will see where the road takes me and you. Yes you.

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